Multicolor 1
Multicolor 2
The Commodore 64 sprite editor, v1.40
- Removed webpack and many dependancies. Spritemate now uses Vite
The file will be saved to your browser's default download location.
JSON file format for spritemate. Recommended as long as you are not done working on the sprites.
Choose between the 2.0 beta or the older 1.8.1 file format, which is recommended if you want to import the data in your C64 project.
A text file containing the sprite data in assembly language. KICK ASS and ACME are compilers with slightly different syntax. Choose "hex" to save a byte like $01 or "binary" for %00000001.
A BASIC 2.0 text file that you can copy & paste into VICE.
To save a sprite as a PNG image, "right click" on the sprite in the PREVIEW window. Your browser will display a "save image as..." option in the context menu. The size of the PNG can be set with the zoom levels of the PREVIEW window.